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30-60-90: The perfect measurements for your super bonus!
30-60-90: The perfect measurements for your super bonus!
Now, staying power is needed! Because with our super sexy bonus scale, your personal plus will get fatter the longer you keep up:

30% on the 1st day

60% on the 2nd day

90% on the 3rd day

Once you have redeemed the 1st bonus, you will receive a bonus the next day that is 30% higher ! So book up three coins and clear off fat bonus coins !
Start you rising bonus!
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With our awesome bonus season you can expect a new Coinsbonus every day. As soon as you redeem a bonus, you will receive a bonus the next day that is 30% higher than the previously redeemed. You can get a maximum of 90% extra coins on Sunday, 14.10.2018. This is also the last day the rising bonus applies.