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Every goal brings you bonus coins! Grab the extra coins for every goal!
Every hit a big win for you!
Earn fat bonus percent for every goal in Germany's 1st and 2nd league!
Two things make a man happy: Horny girls and football! And if both come together, so much the better! That's why this weekend it's:

More Goals - More Coins

Every goal that falls in the 1st and 2nd German League this weekend brings you extra coins!

We start the hot goal gathering with a starting bonus of 11% on every purchase - and every time a goal is scored, there's 1% on top. If 40 goals are scored at the weekend, you will receive 51% every time!
Grab your score bonus!
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Starting now you receive a 11% coins bonus on all your purchases. Additionally you get 1% extra coins for every goal shot in the first and secon German football division. The offer ends on Sunday, 18.08.2019, 23.59 CEST. The match VFL Osnabrück vs. Darmstadt 98  can therefore not be counted. We are sorry.